Bharat Compute Grid

India's first distributed edge computing grid dedicated to research, development and innovation in Edge Computing technologies with the aim of making India a front runner in the next generation Edge Computing paradigm. Join us as we make India the center of global Edge Computing innovation.

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What is Edge Computing?

We all know how Internet has changed the trajectory of human civilisation. With new technologies such as IoT, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Internet as we know is about to change.

As the smart appliances, equipement and people all start to communicate each other, the demand of low latency computing technology is going to increase. In this era, the conventional Data Center modal is redundant. The future of Internet will be developed on top of a distributed network where the computing capacity being used by this new age applications and machines has to be located as close as possible to the applications and devices. This is what is known as Edge Computing.


About Bharat Compute Grid

Bharat Compute Grid is India's first distributed edge computing grid dedicated exclusively for research, development and innovation in Edge Computing technology. Bharat Compute Grid partners with Universities, emerging tech startup, public and private sector organisations to give them edge computing capacity and hand holding support towards their research initiative in Edge Computing related technologies.

As part of the Bharat Compute Grid project, we are setting up a pan India distributed network of computing nodes powered by advanced edge computing technology. Our first node has been setup at MobiProbe, at their premises in STPI Incubation Center Mohali.

Though we are working with various institutions in the private and public sector, Bharat Compute Grid and Bharat Compute project is privatly funded and is not part of any Government body.


About our Academic Outreach

In the first phase, we are expanding the grid by setting up Edge Computing nodes at our partner Universities. This gives their students hands on exposure to Edge Computing technology and allows for development of Edge Computing use cases tailored specifically for the Indian market.

We are also working closely with various startups, businesses and public sector entities to promote development of "Edge First" technology solutions in India, for India and for the world.

Bharat Compute's initial core node network is built using the Open Source Peer-to-Peer Cloud Computing technology from Subutai


We believe that the Edge Computing revolution is India's golden hour to take the front seat in Edge Computing Research & Development

We are firm believers in Cyber Sovereignty and are committed towards promoting home grown research, development and commercialisation of locally developed technology to be made available for the welfare of the Indian people and the world family.


The Edge Computing paradigm is going to expand the frontiers of our civilisation. If you are an Academic Institution willing to join the Bharat Compute Grid, or a startup interested to work on Edge or a technology enthusiast interested in knowing more about Edge, Edge Computing or the work we are doing at Bharat Compute Grid, please feel free to contact us at:


phone: +91 836-008-0128

2nd Floor, STPI Incubation Building

C184, Phase 8A Industrial Area, Mohali 160071

Punjab, India
